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Who we are


Who we are

Friends of the Haenertsburg Grasslands (FroHG) promote more than just grass!

FroHG arose from a small group of volunteers called HEMAG (Haenertsburg Environmental Monitoring and Action Group). As an informal grouping, HEMAG agreed to give way to FroHG in order to gain the benefits of a formal constitution. In August 2007, FroHG finalized its constitution and on 24 September 2007, FroHG was officially launched. FroHG's constitution was amended in 2015, and again in 2021.


FroHG is a nonprofit organization (209-267 NPO; PBO No. 930067337) based in Haenertsburg, Limpopo Province, South Africa. Our mission is to advocate for the conservation, rehabilitation, study and sustainable use of the critically endangered Woodbush Granite Grasslands (WGG), its associated indigenous forests and water catchments.

​​Although FroHG places special emphasis on the Haenertsburg Nature Reserve, where the largest remaining portion of WGG is formally protected, our focus extends to the numerous smaller remnants scattered on both public and private lands in the Magoebaskloof / Haenertsburg mountains.

To download our Friends of the Haenertsburg Grasslands brochure, go to our Resources tab.

Our goals

  • Advocate for the conservation and rehabilitation of natural areas around Haenertsburg, in particular the critically endangered WGG and its associated ecosystems.

  • Safeguard these natural areas for posterity.

  • Study the WGG ecosystem.

  • Act as environmental watchdog.

  • Promote and participate in environmental education.

  • Raise public awareness and appreciation of the value of indigenous flora and fauna, and of indigenous knowledge.

  • Encourage sustainable use of natural resources.

Management Committee

  • Chairperson: Daryl van der Merwe

  • Vice-Chairperson: Chris Jackson

  • Treasurer: Nyiko Gift Mutileni

  • Secretary: Byron Stroud

  • Sello Maimela

  • Sandi Leigh Moore

  • Dr. Dave Thompson

  • Timene Watt

Our partners and sponsors

New Botanical Society Logo.jpg
Our goals
Partners and sponsors



P O Box 161

Limpopo Province
South Africa

Tel: +27 (0) 83 471 3851

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